Rackspace .NET SDK

Automating all things Rackspace

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Introducing Rackspace .NET SDK

August 14, 2015

The Rackspace .NET SDK beta is now available! This is the first step towards improving the SDK experience for both OpenStack and Rackspace users. Rackspace customers can use a single SDK to control both OpenStack solutions and unique Rackspace solutions such as hybrid cloud.

OpenStack users will have a clean SDK dedicated to their needs and moving at the pace of OpenStack. Rackspace customers will have a native experience, only seeing functionality that is supported by Rackspace, using Rackspace terminology.

For more details on how this will improve OpenStack.NET, checkout Rackspace.NET and OpenStack.NET: Peas and Carrots.

In our inaugural release we have added support for Cloud Networks. If you are using OpenStack.NET already, just install the Rackspace package and look at the Cloud Networks Sample.

PM> Install-Package Rackspace


Rackspace.NET is built on top of OpenStack.NET, as many of Rackspace's solutions use OpenStack. When this migration is completed, OpenStack.NET v2.0 will be pure OpenStack and Rackspace.NET v1.0 pure Rackspace.

The full roadmap is outlined in the project's beta milestones. Here's a peek at the first few releases:

  • v0.2 - Add Support for RackConnect Public IPs
  • v0.3 - Migrate Cloud Servers from OpenStack.NET
  • v0.4 - Migrate Cloud Identity from OpenStack.NET

At that point, one of our key scenarios for Rackspace customers will be easy as pie and demonstrate why we are going through the trouble of this migration. As a hybrid customer, you can spin up a cloud server and connect it to the network where your dedicated servers live.

using Rackspace.Identity.v2;
using Rackspace.CloudNetworks.v2;
using Rackspace.CloudServers.v2;
using Rackspace.RackConnect.v3;

var identity = new CloudIdentity("{username}", "{api-key}");

// Lookup your private network
var networkService = new CloudNetworkService(cloudIdentity);
var networks = networkService.ListNetworks();
var myNetwork = networks.First(x => x.Label == "{private-network-name}");

// Create a cloud server on your private network
var serverService = new CloudServerService(identity);
var serverDefinition = new ServerCreateDefinition
  Networks = { myNetwork.Id }
var server = await serverService.CreateServerAsync(serverDefinition);
await server.WaitUntilActiveAsync();